In my book, this poem pretty much ranks as perfect; with every reading, I love it more. There are so many stellar characteristics to point out, it's a great teaching poem as well as one to be enjoyed purely for its entertainment value.

2010 Poetry Parade - Day 14

In the Memphis Airport
Timothy Steele

Above the concourse, from a beam,
A little warbler pours forth song.
Beneath her, hurried humans stream:
Some draw wheeled suitcases along
Or from a beeping belt or purse
Apply a cell phone to an ear;
Some pause at banks of monitors
Where times and gates for flights appear.

Although by nature flight-endowed,
She seems too gentle to reproach
These souls who soon will climb through cloud
In first class, business class, and coach.
She may feel that it’s her mistake
She’s here, but someone ought to bring
A net to catch and help her make
Her own connections north to spring.

She cheeps and trills on, swift and sweet,
Though no one outside hears her strains.
There, telescopic tunnels greet
The cheeks of their arriving planes;
A ground crew welcomes and assists
Luggage that skycaps, treating bags
Like careful ornithologists,
Banded with destination tags.

From Toward the Winter Solstice (Swallow Press/Ohio University Press, 2006)
Used with the author’s permission.
See more details here.


Stephanie said...

As my husbands awaits yet another flight today, I wish I was the bird watching over him!! Loved this poem. In awe of anyone who can rhyme with ease.

Jayne Jaudon Ferrer said...

And the rhyme in this one is so subtle, you almost overlook it. True craftsmanship!